Tips for Hosting a Golf Tournament

February 6, 2024

A corporate golf tournament can become a cherished tradition for your staff and colleagues. However, hosting your first golf tournament can be overwhelming. There are a lot of decisions to make. Here are some hosting a golf tournament tips to help you make your event a success.

Venue and Date

The first thing you should decide is the venue and date of your tournament. Choosing a venue first is essential because each venue will offer a different golf experience and help you with different aspects of the event. Some venues will have in-house caterers, staff to help with reservations and even hold awards ceremonies for you. Others will not offer less support. Whichever you choose, it will inform the rest of your planning process. Setting the date for your event is also a crucial decision. While most golf events are held on the weekend, you might consider doing a weekday tournament to save money and make it easier for your staff. Weekday tournaments mean that staff won’t need to give up a weekend to play and also get to extend their weekend. Both will strongly encourage participation.

Format and Other Events

Next, you should consider your golf format, or the type of golfing your staff will participate in. Make your choice based on the experience level of your staff. If you are all avid golfers, you may prefer a shotgun tournament. If some, or all, of your staff are new to golfing, formats such as Best Ball and Scramble may work better. The venue may have other options for you to choose from. If a significant portion of your staff is new to golfing, you may want to offer other events besides golfing. Great food, music entertainment, or other golf course amenities such as pools and saunas go a long way to engaging those who have never picked up a golf club.

Pick the Right Golf Giveaways

It’s easy to motivate people to participate in your event with prizes and giveaways. Popular choices include personalized swag. Think of adding your corporate brand and logo, or information about the tournament, to these prize items:
  • Golf caps
  • Tote bags
  • Tumblers and mugs
  • Calendars
  • Clocks
  • Polos and t-shirts
  • Hoodies or hats
  • Other athletic wear
These don’t need to be prizes. Instead, you can create a swag bag or an entry gift for every employee who takes part in your corporate golf tournament. If you do that, also consider creating plaques or trophies to give to the winners of the tournament, or to display at the office, to make the winners feel special. A trophy, with room to add the new winner every year, is highly motivating and helps cement your golf tournament as an annual tradition. Proforma offers customizable plaques, trophies and other swag goodies. For all of your advertising needs as you prepare for your golf tournament, trade show or anything else, reach out to Proforma Battlefield Advertising.

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